Sunday, October 3, 2010

Turkish delight (early May 2010 )

My first impressions of Turkey was how remarkably similar the coastline is to that of Croatia.

Gocek, the first village we docked at on our arrival proved to be quaint and colorful. As the tourist season had barely started, it had a sleepy atmosphere.

After our passage the crew enjoyed our first meal ashore. For some it was a first taste of the delights of Turkish cuisine.

In between exploring terra firma, preparations where obviously under way on the boat for the start of our summer season and the imminent arrival of our guests. But in the evenings, we strolled through the streets, visiting all the little tourist shops and soon befriending the carpet seller and jeweler. These friendships ended up lasting throughout the season. We made the best of our shore time, knowing that soon we will be back into the rhythm of working seven days a week and long hours, seldom getting the chance to set foot ashore.

All too soon that reality was there as we all stood on the aft deck, snappily dressed in our formal uniforms and ready to welcome our guests. As they stepped on board with smiles and shook our hands in turn, our season ad all that goes with it started. From here onward every day was Monday.

We left port immediately and headed for the first of a series of remote anchorages. As I set the table early in the morning on the aft deck for breakfast, I admired this ruggedly beautiful coastline. The flat sea reflected the morning sun. Behind us the shallower water was a mesmerizing clear translucent blue, giving way to a rocky coastline and a hillside covered in the evergreens and scrubs typical of this area. And,almost every where we went, silhouettes of hills shimmered in the background.

For us girls our days where punctuated by serving meals, making beds, and doing laundry. For the guests the days where punctuated by being served lovely meals, leisurely swims, and baking in the sun on the upper deck.

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