So yesterday was my one day vacation in Nice. And I made the best of it. If I carefully planned it, it could not have worked out better. I had a leisurely start - sleeping in a little after my lengthy travels the day before. A cappuccino at a street side cafe got me started as I set off to explore. I walked along the promenade and smelt the sea air and smiled at strangers. I felt a little nostalgic when walking past a violin player on the waterfront. It seemed an experience meant to be shared.
I people watched as I strolled. I love the poise and finish of the French. They could wear rags and still look stylish. I played a game of trying to identify the tourists and guess their nationalities.
I walked along random side streets and poked into all kinds of little stores. In between I
By now it was around one and I decided a one day vacation calls for a special meal. It was hard to choose between all the street side cafe's, but settled for a seafood restaurant. And who says the French are stingy with their portions? My starter was a mountain of mussels. Naturally I had to accompany this with a rose. Next my salmon arrived, and as in all French food the secret was in the delectable sauce. I took my time to savor everything, and finished it off with dark chocolate mousse. I felt thoroughly spoiled.
By the time I stepped out of the restaurant the market had all but disappeared. A few remaining rose leaves where being swept up. If I ventured here a different time I would have missed it all. I wondered off back in the direction of the park and discovered a carnival atmosphere. It seemed to be a celebration of the diverse cultures living in Nice. Young dancers and musicians represented Eastern, Brazilian and African cultures. I joined several people in climbing on a nearby statue to get a better view of the stage. The park itself had various displays and there was a festive atmosphere among the crowd. When the Brazilian drums died down, the orchestra in the center of the park started up. I stood enthralled at their pure artistry, and admired the youngster in the back row that expertly changed instruments.
From there I strolled off in a different direction and found the town squares filled with talented buskers. A piano player whose hands just flew over the keys, break dancers, musicians of every kind imaginable.
By the evening I just felt filled like a sponge with all the events of the day. It felt like the city held a celebration just for me. This day is my new start. And with a start like that it can only go well. I am excited about the unknown ahead of me. I might not have had someone holding my hand as I listened to the violin player. But I was never alone. And nor will I be in the future - for I know that no matter where I am in the world, God is with me. And He will guide me in the unknown ahead of me.
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